Kamis, 22 April 2010

The Mystery Behind Recurring Dreams

Recurring dreams indicate danger because they are reminding the dreamers that they have postponed and obligation, or that they have to stop making a certain mistake.

During the course of my 20 years working in dream analysis with people who embraced the processes and others who didn't, I observed that recurring dreams are very serious warnings designed to enlighten the dreamers before impending doom.

Everyone who has recurring dreams for a long period of time faces a tragic event in the end. This happens because they are indifferent to the unconscious warnings in the symbolic form of dream images, and they don't do what they need to in order to avoid suffering.

Most people in our world completely despise their dreams, believing they are merely reflections of their worries, or that they are disorganized images that have no meaning at all.

However, the truth is, that once we learn how to translate dream messages according to the scientific method of dream interpretation, we observe that all dreams work like psychotherapy containing crucial information and optimal guidance.

The wise unconscious mind that produces our dreams follows another logic, totally different from our ignorant and selfish logic.

For example, the complicated Greek language has its roots in the remote past. It is a difficult language because too many changes have happened with the Greek population during so many years of evolution. The Greek alphabet has 5 variations of the letter "i" which today are pronounced in the same way, but in the past each "i" of the Greek language was pronounced differently.

We cannot understand the logic of the Greek language if we do not know its evolution; formation and various stages of development over time.

The same happens when we analyze the dream language.

The psychiatrist Carl Jung was the only one who managed to really decipher the hidden code of the symbolism contained in all dreams after a very arduous historical research, and after comparing numerous dreams for years.

I have proved in my work that his discoveries are real, and I have even continued his research in the unknown region of the human psyche through dream interpretation. I have discovered more than him and I have simplified his complicated method.

We have inherited a wild conscience, the anti-conscience, which occupies the biggest part of our brain. It is violent, immoral and cruel like all wild animals, and it keeps trying to destroy our tiny human conscience through absurdity.

This truth will alarm you, and prove that you have to care about the meaning of your dreams so that you won't be a victim of your wild side.

The mystery behind all recurring dreams is that they are trying to prevent future catastrophes provoked by the anti-conscience.

You must learn how to translate your dreams without delay. Follow the unconscious guidance and escape from this tragic end.

The unconscious mind will show you how you can eliminate the dangerous influence of the anti-conscience forever.Instead of facing tragic events, you'll attain complete consciousness and become a real genius.

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