1. Bali, Indonesia



4.Kepulauan Gili

5. Palau, Mikronesia






11. Papua Nugini

12.Fernando de Noronha

Sumber : http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=5756567
kenanglah kedua orang anda. biasanya, di saat orang tua kita masih hidup, tidak mudah untuk menghargai kasih sayang mereka. padahal mereka menebar cinta mereka dalam setiap desah napas, gerak bibir, dan ayunan langkah mereka/ tak ada yang mereka pikirkan begitu penting selain keluarga mereka di dunia ini. bahkan dalam amarah, kekecewan, kesediahan meereka selimuti dengan kasih sayang.
bagi kita, ini mungkin nasehat tua yang begitu sering terdengar. namun tak pernah usang karena ortu dilahirkan sepanjang zaman. mengenang ortu sebenarnya mengenang keberadaan diri kita sendiri. kita terlahir dari buah kasih sayang, kita ditinggalpun dengan lambaian kasih sayang, memang tak ada yang terlambat, namun sebelum hati kecil anda menyesal, kasihanilah ortu anda. Bagi mereka, balasan ini lebih berharga dari apapun yang anda berikan, bagi mereka, itulah sebaik-baiknya bekal untuk menikmati usia senja.
orang yang berhasil akan mengambil manfaat dari kesalahan-kesalahan yang pernah ia lakukan dan akan mencoba kembali untuk melakukan dalam suatu cara yang berbeda.
motivasi diri,,,?
anda keliru menuntut orang lain memotivasi anda. tak seorang pun bertanggung jawab atas timbul tenggelamnya motivasi itu di dalam diri anda, melainkan anda sendiri. pidato pemimpin yang mengebu-gebu,program pelatihan yang menggairahkan atau pernyataan visi yang penuh kalimat inda,semua itu adalah usaha untuk mengetuk pintu motivasi diri anda bila and atidak berkenan menbukanya gedoransekeras apapun tidak akan berguna karena anda bertanggung jawab atas perjalanan karier dan hidup anda,maka bangunlah, bangunkan diri anda sendiri.
anda pun tak bertanggung jaawab pada naik turunnya motivasi orang lain. karena anda tak selalau tahu apa harapan mereka. motivasi selalu berkaitan erat dengan harapan.sediakan tempat bagi mereka untuk memenuhi ahrapan bersama, antara anda dan mereka kemudian berjalan bahu-menbahu untuk mewujudkannya. motivasi selalu muncul dari kegembiraan sedangkan kegembiraan dalam kerja sama.
hati yang penuh syukur, bukan saja merupakan kebijakan yag terbesar, melainkan merupakan pola induk segala kebajikan yang lain.
Recurring dreams indicate danger because they are reminding the dreamers that they have postponed and obligation, or that they have to stop making a certain mistake.
During the course of my 20 years working in dream analysis with people who embraced the processes and others who didn't, I observed that recurring dreams are very serious warnings designed to enlighten the dreamers before impending doom.
Everyone who has recurring dreams for a long period of time faces a tragic event in the end. This happens because they are indifferent to the unconscious warnings in the symbolic form of dream images, and they don't do what they need to in order to avoid suffering.
Most people in our world completely despise their dreams, believing they are merely reflections of their worries, or that they are disorganized images that have no meaning at all.
However, the truth is, that once we learn how to translate dream messages according to the scientific method of dream interpretation, we observe that all dreams work like psychotherapy containing crucial information and optimal guidance.
The wise unconscious mind that produces our dreams follows another logic, totally different from our ignorant and selfish logic.
For example, the complicated Greek language has its roots in the remote past. It is a difficult language because too many changes have happened with the Greek population during so many years of evolution. The Greek alphabet has 5 variations of the letter "i" which today are pronounced in the same way, but in the past each "i" of the Greek language was pronounced differently.
We cannot understand the logic of the Greek language if we do not know its evolution; formation and various stages of development over time.
The same happens when we analyze the dream language.
The psychiatrist Carl Jung was the only one who managed to really decipher the hidden code of the symbolism contained in all dreams after a very arduous historical research, and after comparing numerous dreams for years.
I have proved in my work that his discoveries are real, and I have even continued his research in the unknown region of the human psyche through dream interpretation. I have discovered more than him and I have simplified his complicated method.
We have inherited a wild conscience, the anti-conscience, which occupies the biggest part of our brain. It is violent, immoral and cruel like all wild animals, and it keeps trying to destroy our tiny human conscience through absurdity.
This truth will alarm you, and prove that you have to care about the meaning of your dreams so that you won't be a victim of your wild side.
The mystery behind all recurring dreams is that they are trying to prevent future catastrophes provoked by the anti-conscience.
You must learn how to translate your dreams without delay. Follow the unconscious guidance and escape from this tragic end.
The unconscious mind will show you how you can eliminate the dangerous influence of the anti-conscience forever.Instead of facing tragic events, you'll attain complete consciousness and become a real genius.
One model that television might become is the Hulu model. That is where television shows are put up for a few weeks to watch on demand streaming them from the internet. There will be no need to tape anything as the content will be available for a certain period of time. Hulu has hinted that they may add a subscription service for the shows. Instead of paying a cable company for television, you may end up with an on demand system that works much like Hulu. These can be supported by the advertisements that are in them just like it does on television. This is one option for the future of television especially as broadband and internet speeds get faster.
Other future options might be torrents. Torrents are typically seen as shady and illegal. There is nothing illegal about torrents as you can have legal content as well as illegal content downloaded via a torrent.
Currently networks are having a hard time fighting illegal torrents. People tape the show, strip out the commercials, and put them online. With certain shows like Lost millions of people watch the torrent version of the show. In the future networks might take advantage of this and try to make some money off this. They could release the official torrent with some commercials in it. Most people would probably download the legal version because the illegal one isn't worth losing your connection of being sued to just skip a few commercials in the content. This is a very easy way to distribute content without worrying about bandwidth issues since torrents share bandwidth with users versus using a server.
ukhty muslimah....
Sungguhpun taaruf bukanlah sebuah permainan....bukan sekedar coba-coba...bukan
sekedar perkiraan...
"hmm..siapa tau cocok..."
"hmm...siapa tau jodoh..."
"siapa tau..."siapa tau...'
atau bahkan...
" Hmm....lumayanlah...buat hepi-hepian...???????"
Sungguh...Taaruf itu bukanlah sebuah keisengan seperti itu....!!!!
ISLAM..adalah sebuah permainan iseng...permainan coba-coba...sebuah
kesenangan terselubung...??????
Bagaimana mungkin suatu upaya untuk menghindari PACARAN...justru tanpa disadari
masuk dalamPACARAN tersebut...
Bagaimana mungkin sebuah upaya untuk membuahkan suatu yang suci...suatu
ikatan yang mahal harganya...sebuah perjanjian agung yakni PERNIKAHAN
adalah sebuah lelucon yang bisa dilakukan dengan siapa saja...siapa
saja yang mau...siapa saja yang ada...atau sebuah iseng-iseng
berhadiah...?????????????? ?
Dengan perkataan...
"coba ah...sama dia...siapa tau...hehehe..???????????"
Sungguh bukan hak saya untuk berkata demikian sebenarnya...
Saya bukan siapa-siapa...bahkan saya adalah orang yang sangat sangat awam
dengan masalah ini....
Tapi...sungguh miris hati saya ketika melihat realita...taaruf seakan
jadi sebuah solusi atau jalan lain karena tidak boleh pacaran...!!!
Akhibatnya...??? taaruf tiada bedanya dengan pacaran...???
Lalu...??? taaruf adalah pacaran hanya dibungkus dengan "selimut
Jika pacaran yang dibicarakan adalah...(hmm..mungkin ..^^)
"sayang...ketemuan yuk..."
"ukhty...sholat tahajud dulu...??????????"
Jika pacaran mengungkapkan perasaan dengan
"sayang...aku cinta kamu..."
Taaruf ...??
"ukhty...sungguh hati ini mencintaimu karena Allah...????"
Sms-sms penuh perhatian...tiap hari...tiap jam...
Telepon-telepon mengobrol kehidupan sehari-hari...
YANG DIBICARAKAN...??????? hmm..tidak jauh beda...!!!
Kiranya semuanya telah tau...
Bahwa wanita adalah fitnah terbesar bagi seorang laki-laki...
Namun...saya wanita...dan ukhty pun wanita...
Tapi kita juga tau...bahwa perhatian laki-laki...kasih sayangnya...sikap
melindunginya...kesetiaann ya adalah cobaan yang tidak kalah hebatnya bagi
seorang wanita...
Mungkin kami para akhwat pada awalnya akan berkata...
"iih...iseng bgt sih..."
"TP TP..."
"ngapain sih ngajak-ngajak taarufan nggak jelas.."
TAPI....kita semua juga tau....
Cinta itu tumbuh karena terbiasa...
terbiasa dekat...
terbiasa ada...
terbiasa bersama...
terbiasa berantem..hhe..^^
terbiasa saling menyapa...
terbiasa diberi perhatian...
terbiasa saling mengobrol...hmm...
Cinta itu teramat bening...
saat ini tiada apapun...namun perlahan...tanpa kita sadari...dia sudah menjalar
ke seluruh bagian jiwa kita,,,menguasai kita...
Awalnya mungkin kita akan merasa sebal dengan kehadirannya...
Terganggu oleh sms-sms isengnya....
Terganggu oleh pertanyaan-pertanyaan anehnya....
Namun...tanpa kita sadari...
saat ia tiada...
saat sms tak kunjung tiba...
saat telepon tak berdering lama....????
akan ada perasaan kehilangan....
setiap saat melihat ke HP...menunggu deringnya...
setiap saat melongok ke komputer...menunggu onlinenya.....
Dan itukah...??? itukah saudariku....??? yang dinamakan dengan..."MENCINTAI
KARENA ALLAH...???" itukah...????
ya akhi...para ikhwan....
sungguh hati wanita ini lemah....
hati wanita itu mudah terjangkiti virus....
dan bagaimana jika kita telah jatuh cinta...
bagaimana ternyata hati kita sudah saling merindu...menginginkan adanya
merindukan adanya kasih yang tanpa akhir...
sementara....KITA BELUM HALAL....!!!!!!
sanggupkah engkau pertanggungjawabkan sms-sms mesramu...???
sangggupkah engkau pertanggungjawabkan telepon mesramu...???
sanggupkah engkau pertanggungjawabkan tangis kami karena mulai
mulai berharap padamu...???
Tolong, kami hanya ingin menjaga diri . Menjaga amal kami tetap tertuju padaNYA.
Karena janji Allah itu pasti. Wanita baik hanya diperuntukkan laki-laki baik.
Ya akhi....ikhwan...calon pemimpin kami di masa depan....
Jika engkau benar-benar serius...mengapa engkau hanya bersembunyi dibalik
Bersembunyi dibalik HPmu...???
Bersembunyi dalam kata-katamu...????????
kita sudah lelah dengan semua itu...
sungguhpun kita tidak mengharapkan seorang laki-laki BERMENTAL TEMPE...
yang hanya berani di dunia maya...
yang hanya berani di dunia sms...
dan yang lari dari tanggungjawab setelah merasa tidak cocok....
Jika engkau memang sungguh serius...
kami wanita ingin pemimpin yang berani....
kami wanita yang ingin menjaga diri...
kami wanita yang tidak ingin diberi harapan palsu...janji gombal....
kami wanita yang ingin laki-laki yang halal.....
Aku bukanlah seorang gadis yang cerewet dalam memilih pasangan hidup.
Siapalah diriku untuk memilih permata sedangkan aku hanyalah sebutir pasir yang
wujud di mana-mana.
Tetapi aku juga punya keinginan seperti wanita solehah yang lain,
dilamar lelaki yang bakal dinobatkan sebagai ahli syurga, memimpinku ke
arah tujuan yang satu.
Tidak perlu kau memiliki wajah setampan Nabi Yusuf Alaihisalam, juga
harta seluas perbendaharaan Nabi Sulaiman Alaihisalam, atau kekuasaan
seluas kerajaan Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu alaihi wa sallam, yang mampu
mendebarkan hati jutaan gadis untuk membuat aku terpikat.
Andainya kaulah jodohku yang tertulis di Lauh Mahfuz, Allah pasti akan
menanamkan rasa kasih dalam hatiku juga hatimu. Itu janji Allah. Akan
tetapi, selagi kita tidak diikat dengan ikatan yang sah, selagi itu
jangan dimubazirkan perasaan itu karena kita masih tidak mempunyai hak
untuk begitu.
Juga jangan melampaui batas yang telah Allah tetapkan. Aku takut
perbuatan-perbuatan seperti itu akan memberi kesan yang tidak baik
dalam kehidupan kita kelak.
Permintaanku tidak banyak. Cukuplah engkau menyerahkan seluruh dirimu
pada mencari ridha Illahi. Aku akan merasa amat bernilai andai dapat
menjadi tiang penyangga ataupun sandaran perjuanganmu. Bahkan aku amat
bersyukur pada Illahi kiranya akulah yang ditakdirkan meniup semangat
juangmu, mengulurkan tanganku untukmu berpaut sewaktu rebah atau
tersungkur di medan yang dijanjikan Allah dengan kemenangan atau syahid
itu. Akan kukeringkan darah dari lukamu dengan tanganku sendiri. Itu
Aku pasti berendam airmata darah, andainya engkau menyerahkan seluruh cintamu
Cukuplah kau mencintai Allah dengan sepenuh hatimu karena dengan mencintai
Allah, kau akan mencintaiku karena-Nya.
Cinta itu lebih abadi daripada cinta biasa.
Moga cinta itu juga yang akan mempertemukan kita kembali di syurga….
mengapa wanita begitu selektif memilih orang yang akan taaruf.."
wanita akan menjawab..
suami kami nanti kelak akan menjadi pemimpin kami...
akan kami layani kebutuhannya....
akan kami tunggu kehadirannya...
akan kami berikan jiwa kami...raga kami....
bagaimana mungkin kami lalai dalam memilih calon suami...meski hanya dalam
rangka taaruf...??
suami kami nanti akan menjadi pembimbing agama kami...penjaga kami...pelindung
bagaimana mungkin kami akan gegabah dalam menentukan pilihan...meski hanya
sebatas tukaran biodata..??
mentaati suami kami adalah salah satu jalan kami ke surga...
ketaatan pada suami adalah lambang kesholihan kami....
bagaimana mungkin kami akan cepat memutuskan siapa pilihan kami meski hanya
sebatas kata..."baik saya setuju...taarufan..."
ya akhi....saudaraku...para ikhwan....
by: seorang murobbi( dia mau dirahasiakan namanya)
The representational perception exists either in the level of internal representations of objects that do not have a physical manifestation in the environment, or in the level of representations in relation to the objects that do have physical manifestation in the environment. If one for example sits on some lane and perceives the scenery opening in front of him or her, what he or she actually perceives is are the contents of the representational perception rather than a scene that is context free from information.
What this means is that although representations of objects that do have physical manifestation in the environment at the same time they are perceived, the content such as colors are in fact only associated type of information to the representations of the objects, as are for example sounds. When one hears another one speaking, instead of hearing only the sound waves, he or she automatically hears them as words if the sub-conscious has been taught to interpret those patterns of sounds as the words that are then heard, and so it is also in case of everything in the semantic content of the representational perception. There just aren't any content free objects in the representational perception, because it can have only the information given by the sub-conscious brain functions and what it is able to receive through receptors.
In case of environment not having enough semantic, explicit or implicit information for it to be recognized, after semantization and identifying the phenomenon, the conscious valuations done in relations to it are automatically added to its content, increasing the complexity and is afterwards recognized having also the content given to it. The fact that we are for example able to perceive combined dots, circles, curves and lines as words and them, when combined with other words as sentences speak of the recognition of information even before they enter to our consciousness. The fact that we are able to recognize familiar faces having immediate responds to them speaks of the existence of a representational perception we are constantly connected to through the perceptive abilities and the sub-conscious brain functions related to it.
Now, the representational reality and the cognitive representations are composed of combined smaller entities that as combined patterns produce the representations as they are. These representations can again be combined together in relativity with category and each representation can be considered as an outlined and recognized phenomenon. Thus, every valuation concerning any phenomenon or already existing representation is an act of changing its value-relative content via changing the combinatory whole in the phenomenon relative lower-level entities and thereafter the content perceived in the representational perception. One therefore alters the reality one is surrounded with, since the sense of reality is constructed of representation in the level of the conscious mind. This act of altering the content of the representational reality can be of automatically generated content in the sub-conscious or of conscious perception and the valuation related to it, producing both, conscious and unconscious levels to the increasing complexity of the sense of reality, as it alters the interpretational level that produces the representations to consciousness. And as semantizations are made in relations to the complexity one perceives in the representations projected to the internal representational perception, when consciously perceiving and analyzing them, their internal, given and existing complexity can be recognized and after that, recombined by altering the combination in the lower-level entities, producing relatively different entity in the higher-level of the scope.
Dreams are secret messages inside images, which are sent by the unconscious mind in order to protect and teach the human side of our conscience basic truths concerning our personality and behavior.
We have to decipher the unconscious secret messages in order to understand the guidance we receive in dreams, according to the discoveries of the psychiatrist Carl Jung at the end of the last century.
Continuing his research I could verify that the unconscious messages are very precious, and that our conscience has to precisely follow the guidance received in dreams, because we inherit a wild conscience in the biggest part of our brain that lives constantly trying to control our behavior.
If most dreams present dangerous situations to the dreamer, this is because the unconscious mind is reflecting in the dream scenes the fight existent between the human conscience and the wild anti-conscience, the primitive part of our conscience that didn't evolve like our human side and is still active inside us. As a matter of fact, it is too active, exactly because it occupies the biggest part of our brain.
This means that our brain has to pass through an indispensable process of development so that we may transform the wild region into a positive part of our human conscience, preserving forever our mental health.
Dreams are very important lessons sent by the ancient unconscious mind, which works like a natural doctor and teacher for us.
When we learn the dream language we see dreams predicting the future, and we can even avoid negative future events by correcting mistakes in our behavior or actions after predicting that something bad could happen to us. This way we can change our destiny.
Dream predictions and warnings are therefore very useful, since they give us the chance to transform the reality we observe.
We dream everyday because we need protection and guidance. We see around five dreams per night, which give us information about the same subjects, since all the dreams we see in the same night are related.
This happens because the unconscious mind tries to show us all the consequences of our mistakes, and because there are many things that we ignore, so we need many examples in order to understand everything.
The importance of the dream messages is basic for us, even though until today many people have ignored this fact.
After continuing Jung's research in the human psyche through dream interpretation, I saw that if one doesn't follow the wise guidance of the unconscious mind in dreams they are in great danger, because the anti-conscience can very easily manipulate their human conscience and control their behavior.
The anti-conscience is our animal self, our primitive personality. We ignore its content, but it is part of our psyche and it constantly interferes in our thoughts.
I transformed the complicated method of dream interpretation discovered by Jung into a very clear and simple method of fast and immediate dream translation, after studying the meaning of dreams, and curing many people that suffered from grave mental illnesses through dream translation for 19 years.
This means that today you can easily learn the dream language, as if it was a simple foreign language, with the difference that it is made by images instead of words, and immediately have a direct communication with the wise unconscious mind that produces your dreams, answering all your questions.